Bath Tub Re-Glazing Melbourne
Reglazing is one of the most successful restoration methods around. Bath tub reglazing clearly does produce wonderful results.
Bath Tub Reglazing is one of the largest renovation phenomenons to happen in the last 30 years! Renovating unsightly bathrooms has never been so easy. You won’t experience the typical disruptions that go with renovating a bathroom. There’ll be no mess, it’ll be inexpensive and most importantly the result will be a stunning transformation right before your eyes.

Before you renovate your bathroom, lets stop and think for a moment. Why should you throw out your existing bath, basin and other bathroom fittings? Haven’t you already worked hard enough to pay for these things once before? After reading this, you will be convinced that there’s no need to tear out your old bath, basin or shower base. Bathtub glazing will definitely be the best option for you.
You may be thinking “Hold on, I don’t have a metal bath!” Well that’s fine, if you have an acrylic bath, you do the math. What will it cost you to tear out your bath, breaking your tiles, and causing you an unnecessary mess, and paying for labour? Hundreds? Thousands? Not to mention the price of new bathroom fixtures. For a new cast iron bath today you can pay up to four thousand dollars, even more. So obviously you can see that bathtub reglazing is definitely the way to go!
That is why I have been dedicated for so many years now, perfecting a technique used to add a new surface onto your existing bathroom fixtures. I knew that by keeping your existing bath, basin etc, I could give you a new bathroom at a fraction of the cost! At the time, I already knew how to re-finish bathroom fixtures. Then the volume of enquiries regarding bathtub reglazing seemed to just get bigger. My goal was to accumulate as much knowledge as possible across the board. I can confidently say that I achieved this. Testing various methods and ensuring every one of my clients receives only the best system is something that I guarantee.
A family affair! When you choose bathtub reglazing with Bathroom Blue, you will be inheriting 23 years of special skills and knowledge passed onto me from a previous generation. In 1998 after gaining years of experience interstate, I set out to provide you with an even better service, working internationally for two years with a well established business of 31 years. Now you gain the benefits of what has taken me years to learn, right in your own home, in less than 24 hours.
Bath Tub Reglazing involves stripping down the old finish of your bath and then applying a new surface. One of our technicians can have your new bath ready for use in just 24 hours and Bathroom Blue can offer you over 1700 different colours to choose from.